Thursday 28 September 2017

Flying with little children? It can be done!

What’s more nerve wracking than flying on a long haul flight for the very first time? It’s flying long haul for the first time with a little infant or with little children in tow. All the nerve wracking experience of having to stand through multiple security lines, making sure you get the connecting flight on time, hauling heavy suitcases and navigating through un familiar airports, not to mention staying cooped up in a metal box for hours on end, becomes a whole new ballgame altogether when you are doing it with little kids.

As a new Overseas Immigrant who is on your way to what will now being your new home along with your family, you would have anticipated the journey with both excitement and apprehension. In this post we share a few tried and tested tips for travelling with small children
  1. Pack enough snacks – Most airlines do not allow you to carry food on board due to security reasons, but they do make exceptions in two cases. One is when you are traveling with little children and second is when one of the travelers is a diabetic. It’s best to carry branded prepackaged and sealed food to get past security check easily. If you carry home cooked food you will be asked to taste it first before you are allowed to carry it on board
  2. Milk bottles for infants – if you are flying with an infant or a toddler who is used to drinking milk from a bottle, you probably sterilize the bottle for every use. Now it’s not possible to have the bottle sterilized on flight, so one way to work around it is to buy sterilized disposable bottle liners which are available online. That way you can discard the used ones and replace them with new liners for every feed. Also make sure to wash the bottle thoroughly before you disembark at the airport for your connecting flight to avoid having to taste spoilt milk for your kid’s bottle to get past the security check
  3. Make sure to take along their favorite blanket, teddy, doll, etc. anything to keep them comfortable on the long haul flight and to save you from a screaming tantrum. Having a screaming Child on Board is not a pretty sight and will not endear you to your fellow passengers
  4. Take some favorite treats along with you to coax them to wear their seat belts when required and some candy to suck on as the flight takes off to help ease the air pressure
  5. Go easy on the inflight juices that are offered however, especially if you are traveling with toddlers. Allowing the children to snack on juice may seem like a nice way to keep your kids happy and in one place, but you can end up with children on your hands who are very tired but wired by the end of the flight.
  6. Remember they have jet lag too. Make sure to gently coax them to sleep according to the sleeping schedule of the flight. Most long distance International Flights will dim the lights at specific intervals as per the local time to allow the passengers to adjust to the changing time zones. Adjusting your and your children’s sleeping times accordingly will help you in combatting jet lag on arrival.
  7. Get a change of clothes – This one goes without saying. You should get more than one change of clothes for all of you if you are flying with little children. Accidents can and will happen, especially on bumpy flights. Juice spills, spit ups, food stains all of these will make your child uncomfortable unless you are able to quickly change him into something cleaner
  8. Book a bassinet seat for your infant – if you are flying with an infant, then be sure to book early and ask for a bassinet seat. These are cradle like seats that are attached in front of you and are a life saver as you can place your infant in the bassinet and sleep in your own seat without having to cradle an infant in your arms all night long. These are provided on a limited basis and are generally first come first serve.
To know more about flying long distance and for an opportunity to get a Easy Visa Process to your favorite country, get in touch with Global Tree whose head office located in Begumpet, Hyderabad the most Trusted Immigration Consultant in India.

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