Sunday 17 September 2017

The DACA program has been in the news a lot lately. With speculations and assertions being made right, left and center, the fate of the Dreamers hangs in balance. After an announcement by Jeff Sessions that the White House under President Trump was rescinding DACA and a decision about the DACA bill would have to be taken by the Congress. The Democratic house speaker Nancy Pelosi stated on 13th September that President Trump assured her that he would support the DACA bill in the congress. Thus increasing hopes that a deal was finally being reached which would allow the DACA bill to be passed by Congress and allow the more than 80000 Dreamers affected by the bill to Live in USA without fear of deportation.

The Yes-No-Yes on DACA

As soon as the news of Nancy Pelosi’s statement came out, there was a host of conflicting statements being belted out by different factions. Immediately following the state House Republicans were quick to state that President Trump did not come to any agreement with Democrats on the DACA program.
To add to the confusion President Trump sent out a series of tweets which seemed to indicate that he was softening his stand on DACA.
Many people believed that an agreement was close to being reached where the GOP would support DACA in return for some form of border security. But on Thursday President Trump sent out a statement through White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders denying all claims of a deal being made.

Legal vs Illegal Immigration to USA

The opponents of DACA assert that the program condones Illegal Immigration which is against the interests of all the people who are in the process of legally Immigrating to USA. They fear that the program could give rise to a back door entry into the United States.According to them, the Immigration laws have to be followed to the letter and no concessions should be given to the children of illegal immigrants who arrived here when they were very young.They claim that doing so would not only be unfair to the hordes of legal immigrants to USA, but would also encourage more people to immigrate illegally for the sake of giving their children a brighter future in the USA.In contrast, the advocates of the program state that the program would not encourage illegal migration as it is meant only for those who came to the US before 2007 and stayed on continuously in the USA. As such the question of newer illegal immigrants entering to take advantage of the program does not arise.According to the advocates of the program, the persons who are the beneficiaries of the program have been law abiding residents of the United States since their childhood. Many of them do not know any other country except the USA as they were brought here at a very young age
Moreover, the Dreamers have to undergo a strict vetting process to even qualify for the program to deport them now with the rescinding of the program would be against the tenets of humanity.
Also, many of the Dreamers are working in different companies, including top tech companies and to remove them would cause a labor shortage on a large scale which would cost the GDP more than 400 billion USD[i]

The problem of Illegal Immigration to USA

At the heart of the DACA debate lies the problem of illegal Migration To USA. Despite strict immigration laws and border checks, many people opt for the illegal route for Immigration To USA, Some illegal immigrants cross the border over from neighboring countries, while others arrive on a valid Visitor Visa and stay on long after their visa has expired. Opting for illegal immigration to USA may seem like an easy way to enter at first glance, given the complicated immigration laws, but it puts the immigrant at risk of arrest, deportation, and causes a black mark on his immigration profile which can affect his chances of immigration to not the just USA but also to most other countries.
Therefore it is extremely advisable to follow the legal route for Immigration to USA and rely on a good consultant to navigate the Complex Immigration laws. Global Tree has an expert team of Immigration Experts who are well versed with all aspects of US immigration laws. If moving to the USA is your dream then contact Global Tree at Begumpet, Hyderabad the Best Immigration Consultant in India

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