Tuesday 3 October 2017

Reflections on the life and Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of his Jayanti

Global Tree wishes Happy Gandhi Jayanti, salutes our Father of Nation

“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”

Albert Einstein on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi’s life has always been steeped in high values, high thinking and high action. His entire life is a lesson to one who follows his history. His life has shown us the power, that one person can have in influencing world events and has been an inspiration to scores of people across generations and across national borders. He was against the brutality of the British regime and sought to overthrow the yoke of British oppression over the Indian masses, but at the same time he cherished a warm and loving relationship towards the people of Britain which can be seen by his close friendships with Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Her Highness, the Princess of Wales and many others.

Mahatma Gandhi an inspiration to all

In today’s world of increasingly strict border policies, and countries building walls to keep others out, it is an example of his outstanding legacy that his teachings, and his philosophy have found an echo not just in India, but countries around the world. Indeed it was his non-violent protests and Satyagraha for seeking Independence for India that inspired many world leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King to take up similar struggles for their own causes. Today almost everyone from Bill Gates to Malala Yousafzai have cited the Mahatma as one of their inspirations.

Mahatma Gandhi’s study abroad stint in UK

He is a perfect example of someone who went to study abroad and used the knowledge and cultural influences he gained there for the betterment of his own country and countrymen. It is a well-known fact that Gandhiji went to study abroad in UK for his law degree, in opposition to some of his family members, but not many know that he too faced many of the challenges that are faced by present day students who go to study abroad. The difficulties he faced and the means he took to overcome them can be an inspiration to the students of today. In his own words, he was miserable at first and unable to cope, but slowly adjusted himself to life in a new country. Another interesting fact about his life is that it was while he went to study abroad, that he came across an English translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Sir Edwin Arnold, which was a great influence on the rest of his illustrious life[i].

Gandhiji’s inspiration led Indian woman to study abroad

In an interesting anecdote, a lady speaks of how a close encounters with the Mahatma, inspired her mother to study abroad[ii]. Though Gandhiji was an advocate of all things Swadeshi, it is indeed heartening to see that his courage and steadfastness have been an inspiration for women who are seeking to break out of stereotypes.
Chandana Kalelkar had the great honor of observing the Mahatma and his principles at Rajkot in the year 1939, he so inspired her with his fearlessness in the face of opposition and violence, that when she was offered a chance to study abroad at a university in US, she did not let her relatives opposition faze her, but decided to take up the scholarship that was offered to her and study in US and get a masters in sociology and psychology from Boston University in the 1930’s– a time when it was almost unheard of for an Indian women to study abroad. She became one of the first Indian women to study abroad and get a masters from a top university in USA.

Gandhi Jayanti celebrated by Indian immigrants and others across the world

Many countries around the world take part in Gandhi Jayanti celebrations, which is celebrated as international peace day. The celebrations are mainly spearheaded by the immigrant Indian communities. In Britain the India league along with the Indian High Commission in London celebrates Gandhi Jayanti at Tavistock Square. The event is usually attended by the Mayor of Camden, many Asian Members of Parliament, Peers, The High Commissioner of India to UK and other distinguished guests.
In USA, the event is celebrated by the Indian consulates in different states of US as well as many private and public organizations. Many schools to commemorate the event by including some project in relation to Gandhiji’s teachings and life for their students to complete as per their grade level. In Canada too, Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated across most of the provinces of Canada, with people and politicians alike from all communities coming together to pay homage at his statue.
We at Global Tree join the Nation in saluting this exemplary leader. To know more about the positive influence that an overseas education can have on your life please contact us at Global Tree, Begumpet, Hyderabad, one of the best overseas education consultants in India.

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