Thursday 26 October 2017

The fastest growing careers in Australia


Migrate to Australia for your Career Option

The latest census information revealed the fastest growing Careers in Australia. According to the current statistics from the survey which was released by the Statistics Bureau of Australia, the community and personal service workers are leading the table.

When it comes to the leading eight occupations in the country, these workers who are Working in Australia recorded the highest growth of 19% in the past five years.

As of now, there are around 1.1 million employees who are Working in Australia in various jobs that include assisting health professionals in patient care, child care, aged care and education support occupations.

The increase in this group was also reflected across the Social Assistance and Health Care Industry that shows the biggest development over the previous five years. Other jobs that show development were in the service sector.

There was 27% of rising in occupations like fitness instructors, 25% increase in the number of beauty therapists, 23% increase in baristas and bar attendants. Overall more than 80% of workers who prefer Working in Australia are employed in the service industries that include education, healthcare, and retail.

The jobs with the maximum percentage growth were early childhood teachers, domestic cleaners, sales support workers, mothercraft nurses and ICT support and test engineers. The occupations like clerical and administrative employees are still the second most popular occupation among people who seek to work in Australia.

The biggest overall categories of occupations that professionals always prefer Working or Immigrating to Australia are areas like engineering, business, science and arts that accounted for 21% of the country’s workforce.

Employed personnel – By Occupation Immigration

Jobs with the biggest growth

Migrate to

Jobs by maximum percentage growth

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The census data also revealed few interesting difference in jobs depending on how old individuals were. Those individuals under 30 years of age were more likely than older age groups to be waiters, fast food cooks, sportspersons, bar attendants, and baristas.

The survey has revealed that few jobs were still dominated by certain genders. Around 84% of technicians and trade employees were male and around 63% of legal, social, welfare professionals and 74% of health professionals were female.

Sales assistants’ stays the most common job for both women and men, with occupations like electricians, carpenters and truck drivers are few others to be mentioned which are popular among men. Most popular jobs among women are a general clerk, registered nurse, and receptionist.

Leading four industries of job for men in

Leading four industries for women in Australia

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Why it still pays to have an Australian Degree

As per the statistics that were revealed, foreign university graduates were more likely to get a job and earn more. Around 81% of individuals who had migrated to pursue Education in Australia have found better jobs.

Completing a degree in Australia also raises your job prospects, with 83% of those who had completed their degree or higher education in the country are employed. Employees with good qualification have higher incomes. Employees with a bachelor degree of Australia and above have earned more.

Pursuing the right qualification could also make a huge difference depending on which field you are trying to pursue Education in Australia.

For those who work as aged and disabled careers, around 61% held their qualification in culture and society, 15% in health and 8% in commerce and management related field.  Pursuing a degree also made it more likely that you will find a job in a professional field.

The most common occupations for individuals who seek to Work in Australia with a bachelor or master degree were primary, secondary school teachers, and registered nurses.

Men who have done their graduation are more likely to hold jobs like Software Applications Programmer and accountants whereas women are more likely to become a registered nurse or a primary school teacher.

Those who have got less qualification, the common and most preferred occupations are an electrician, sales assistants, and child careers.

If you are looking to Work in Australia, it is recommended that you go with a company that has got years of experience in the Australia Immigration process. Global Tree is one of the Best Immigration Consultants in India that helps you in your Australia Immigration process.

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