Friday 26 October 2018

GMAT Training Tips for Quant Segment - Global Tree

The GMAT Test is a mandatory requirement for students who aspire to study abroad in countries like USA for pursuing their MBA program. Many students are very apprehensive about the exam as the format and the questions are quite different from the ones that they have been used to in their school and college tests. Particularly a larger proportion of students seem to be concerned about the quant segment as mathematics is not a subject most students are comfortable with. However with proper GMAT training and adequate practice you can score high on the quant section even if it is not your area of strength. We share with you a few tips for making sure that you perform to the best of your ability in this segment

  • 1.       Make sure that you give yourself enough time to practice the questions
  • 2.       Hone your mental maths skills so that you can perform calculations faster in the exam hall
  • 3.       Devote at least half of your GMAT training time to practice questions in Quant
  • 4.       If at any point during your preparation you are not sure about what you are learning, stop and turn back to previous lessons and then get back
  • 5.       Take GMAT training classes- training classes have a double advantage, you can learn under an expert tutor with many years experience in the subject and also know more about how the rest of your class is preparing
  • 6.       Take as many mock tests as possible and mark your scores, this will give you an idea about the areas in which you need to focus

The best thing about preparing well for Quant is that it is very easy to score in this section once you learn it thoroughly, which in turn leads to an higher overall score. For more Information about GMAT exam preparation contact Global Tree which is the best GMAT Training center in Hyderabad.

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