Thursday 11 October 2018

Immigration to Australia from India on the rise

Immigration to Australia from India has been growing at exponential rates over the past few decades. The country has now got the dubious distinction of becoming the largest source of immigration to Australia. This boom among Indians migrating to Australia is being seen as instrumental in the growth of the overall population of Australia as well as the shift in the demographics of the country. In the following section we shall discuss a few highlights of increasing immigration to Australia from India.

Highlights of increase in Indian immigration to Australia

1. with more and more Indians immigrating to Australia. The Indian community is being strongly represented. Which is leading to more attention being paid to the issues and needs of the community. Indians are no longer since as a marginal community but their voices are heard and taken into account by all political parties. It is estimated that the total population of Indian immigrants to Australia has doubled in the five years between 2011 and 2016 from approximately 150,000 to around 300,000 people.
2. The Indian immigrant is increasing the quality of the overall working population and are highly respected as potential employees. According to the DIPB, more than half of the immigrants who arrive from India have completed their under graduation or higher educational qualification. This is three times more than the national average for the country.
3. It is expected that Immigration to Australia from India will continue to grow, and we can expect new records to be reached when new census details are revealed, unless the government brings in restrictive policies to curb immigration. The province of Victoria and its capital Melbourne in particular attracts the major portion of immigrants from India.
According to statistics Indians are the largest demographic segment among immigrant population to Australia.  Immigration to Australia from India has been steadily rising and Indians are being better represented in the country.

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