Tuesday 4 December 2018

Study in New Zealand can lead to work in New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the best destinations for students hoping to study abroad. The country was ranked at the top of the list for graduate employability by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The country is also is a wonderful choice for students who are looking to work after they study.

Changes to work after study in New Zealand rules

Most of the foreign students who study in New Zealand prefer to take up a post study work visa which enables them to continue living and working in the country for a specified period after their student visa expires. The following are the salient features of the current rules for the visa.
  • 1.       International students who study in New Zealand are allowed to apply for the post-study work visa immediately after completing their degree
  • 2.       Students are allowed to work in New Zealand for a maximum period of three years depending on the subject you chose to study in New Zealand

There have been a few changes to the eligibility conditions and rules regarding the post study work visa as can be seen below.
  • 1.       Students who have applied for a visa after August 8th 2018 will be affected by the new rules
  • 2.       Under the new rules you will be able to enjoy open work conditions, which means you are not restricted to one employer or location. You can in fact seek employment wherever you like within the country
  • 3.       The duration of the visa after study in New Zealand could be for one, two or three years based on the subject of study and degree of qualification.
  • 4.       If you are currently an international student living in New Zealand with your spouse, then you may be entitled to support your spouse’s work visa if your subject of study is included at the level 7 or 8 long term skills shortage list or a level 9 or 10 qualification
  • 5.       In case of the above you will also be entitled to enroll any dependent children you have for school at resident fees and will not have to pay international fees for your children
  • 6.       Once the duration of your post-study work visa is over, you may apply for a work permit or permanent residence visa for New Zealand based on your qualifications and experience

The changes are a positive step ahead towards retaining the talent and skills of New Zealand educated students and harnessing them for the growth of New Zealand’s economy, for more Information about Overseas Education Please Contact Global Tree which is the best abroad education consultants in India.

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