Wednesday 28 November 2018

Brexit and its impact on study in UK – Global Tree

Brexit or Britain’s exit from the European Union which was voted by a referendum held across UK is expected to come into effect from March 2019. When the policy comes into effect it may have some significant consequences for immigrants as well as students who come from different countries to study in UK. We take a look at some of the possible effects of Brexit on international students.

Will I be affected by Brexit?

If you are thinking of studying in UK and are not from a European country then it is very unlikely that Brexit will have an impact on your admission to UK. The requirements for visa as well as the selection criteria and amount of tuition fees would probably not see a drastic change.  However there can be an indirect effect on the fees charged by universities on account of the fluctuations in the British Pound brought about by policy changes. The GBP has lost nearly 15 percent of its exchange value against   the Euro since the confirmation of Brexit, which may indicate further decline when Brexit comes into effect.

International students in UK

According to many university heads as well as educators International students who seek to study in UK would still be welcomed, however there may be few new policies which aim to reduce immigration from both workers and students. This can lead to a lowering in demand for education in UK and an increase in demand for studies in other European countries.  Moreover if immigration policy becomes stricter and academics find it difficult to immigrate to UK, then the quality of research and teaching in UK can decline. However as negotiations are still going on between UK and the European Union countries it is to be hoped that a deal will be reached which can be beneficial to students from across the world.
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