Saturday 23 March 2019

Study in Singapore – Survival Tips and Tricks for Indian Students

Many students from India are opting to study in Singapore, and the reason is not hard to find. The country’s proximity to India, an education system that is on par with the west but is far easier on the pocket, modern infrastructure, good governance, and well-regulated traffic, all make Singapore an ideal location for students not just from India but the rest of the worlds as well.

Study in Singapore – Survival Tips and Tricks for Indian Students

A student who chooses to STUDY ABROAD has to learn a few survival tips and tricks that she needs to learn in order to adjust well to the new culture and make the most of her time abroad, and Singapore is no different. As the famous author, Elizabeth Gilbert said, every city has its own word, that is a part of its philosophy, the words for Singapore can be taken as rules and efficiency. Singapore has a far greater number of rules than India, and rules are strictly followed. It is important to understand the culture of and take the necessary precautions when you study in Singapore

Rules for Students Who Study In Singapore

1. You Will Need To Buy Medical Insurance
International Students are required to pay for medical insurance from their own pocket as Singapore does not have a single payer health care system. You can choose from various options and decide about how many extra covers you want to add to your insurance. Its best to choose an option that is likely to cover all estimated medical bills for common ailments as well as any major illness or injury.

2. Beware Of Mosquitoes
If you think you have escaped the mosquito menace when you STUDY IN SINGAPORE, we are sorry to disappoint you. Singapore has been facing a number of outbreaks related to mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and chikungunya. You will need to take the same precautions against mosquitos that you take back home, such as wearing clothes that cover you completely and applying mosquito repellent  

3. Stay Safe from the Smog
Singapore is known as one of the cleanest and greenest cities in the world, however even it has not escaped from the effects of pollution. Especially in the months between June and October every year, pollution levels are at their highest as the cities skies are enveloped in a thick layer of haze. You will need to take the necessary precautions and follow the advice given by the government of Singapore.

4. Curb Your Temptation to Paint Graffiti
The ‘josh’ of students when it comes to burning issues is quite well-known throughout the world, and it is quite possible that you may find yourself empathizing deeply with a local issue and may choose to express yourself through graffiti,  while you study in Singapore, but be warned the country has some very draconian laws against writing graffiti on walls. Doing any of these things can be punished with judicial caning, which is also the punishment used when you overstay your visa.

5. Don’t Drink and Drive
The offence of drinking and driving is taken very seriously in Singapore and is punished with 10 years prison sentence. If you are planning to go out for drinks with friends then make sure that you assign a designated driver in your group, or better still take a cab.

6. Stay Away From Chewing Gum
It’s strange but true, chewing gum is banned in the country, if you are caught chewing gum while you you may end up paying a hefty fine. So it’s best to curb the habit, while you study in Singapore.
if you follow the rules prescribed by the government and take the necessary precautions, Singapore can be a great place to study.

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