Tuesday 25 September 2018

How to prepare your kid for Study in USA

Students from India nowadays are increasingly opting to study in USA for their under graduation as well as graduation courses. However the parenting styles and student experiences differ greatly in both countries. Students in USA are typically encouraged to be more independent with many of them taking summer jobs to earn their own money and being given more flexibility in choosing their subjects as they approach high school. As a contrast Indian children are almost always dependent on parents for finances and nurturing and are not encouraged to think independently.

Essential tips for students heading to USA

Apart from acing the SAT and getting admission to a college of his choice, it is also important for your child to learn the soft skills of coping with a new culture when he pursues his under graduation in USA.  Following are a few tips to help your child prepare for his upcoming journey to a new land
  • 1.       American children are raised from a young age to be independent thinkers. Most of the work revolves around independent research and group projects. If your kid is used to memorizing answers written down by a teacher on a blackboard, then it may be useful for him to evaluate and understand concepts on his own
  • 2.       Children in America very often are used to earning money on their own and handling their own finances. Your child may opt to earn some cash while he studies in the US. It is important to encourage him as this may lead to greater fiscal responsibility
  • 3.       It is important for your child to research the locality and surroundings of university he is planning to apply for and know more about the shops, restaurants etc where he can buy his essential groceries and other required items
  • 4.       It is also important to know about the crime rates and the general safety of the area in which he will be living and to follow all safety precautions. Generally study in USA is very safe but precautions are always recommended.

With a little advanced preparation your child’s decision to study in USA can very well prove to be positively life-changing for him and your entire family
Most parents are proud and happy if their children opt to study in USA. However the culture in USA can be quite different from the one that your child has been experiencing in India and he may be in for a culture shock. It may be helpful if you could follow a few tips to help prepare your child for his sojourn into a bright career. For more Information about abroad education please contact Global Tree.

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