Thursday 22 November 2018

Study in UK to build your career in art history

When the question of career options arise, most students tend to opt for subjects such as medical and engineering either due to peer pressure or from a lack of knowledge about other subject options. One such little known career is in the field of art history! If you have a fine eye for details and a budding curiosity about the past, then working as an art historian could be the right choice for you, and as we shall see below, study in UK is the best option for kick starting your career in this field

What is Art history?

Art history as the name indicates is the study of history of art over various periods of time. As an art historian you will be responsible for cataloguing art for an auction at a museum or working on restoring a damaged piece of art. Many world famous museums such as Sotheby’s and Christies frequently hire art historians to assess the history and value of items brought into the museum. As an art historian you can expect to earn anywhere between 40,000 USD to 60,000 USD per annum.
Art history is a unique career field which involves identifying, assessing and preserving historically significant pieces of art for posterity. If you have an eye for detail, you can go for abroad education - to study in UK to complete an art history course and pave the way for an interesting and lucrative career as an art historian

Why study in UK?

The United Kingdom with its century’s old heritage and rich historical past is the ideal destination for any student interested in pursuing a course in the subject. The architecture of the university buildings dating back many centuries combined with the academic excellence of curriculum makes the country a favorite destination for any history buff. The country has over the years through the first and second world wars and the subsequent period become a repository for various forms of art including medieval, renaissance, classical, neo-classical and modern art forms. Universities such as Oxford University, Cambridge University and Leeds lead worldwide research into the history of various art forms. If art history interests you then pursing the course in the United Kingdom can be your best option for a successful career
For more information about study in UK you can contact the Global Tree best overseas educational consultants in India.

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