Friday 29 March 2019

Canada Immigration – The New Land Of Opportunities

America was always known as the land of opportunities and people from all over the world flocked to the United States in search of a better life. But of late we can see many changes happening to global dynamics as the Canadian dream is quickly replacing the American dream for many immigrants

Employers Setting Up In Canada

More than 60 percent of US companies have found CANADA’S IMMIGRATION policy to be far more favourable for their business and have plans to expand their business to the country according to a survey conducted by, Envoy Global for its annual global immigration trends report which was released this month

Canada Immigration – The New Land Of Opportunities

Canada immigration’s user friendly policies was one the strategic tools employed by the government to attract technology based companies
The federal government it announced a plan recently to bring 350,000 international workers through Canada Express Entry and other schemes each year up till 2021, which would put immigrants at nearly one percent the total population
One out of five employers interviewed in USA reported that they have an office in Canada
Canadian cities are fast overtaking America's Silicon Valley. Canadian city, Toronto has created more tech based jobs for 2017 than the Seattle, Bay Area, and Washington DC put together, while Ottawa is currently home to more than 1700 technology companies.

Why Canada Express Entry Trumps over Green Card Process

Many individuals opt for CANADA EXPRESS ENTRY as they don’t wish to face long-term uncertainty while living in the US.
The restrictive policies of US immigration make it very difficult and stressful to find a visa or extend stay on H-1B
Canada on the other hand is emerging as a strategic centre for research into cutting-edge technologies, with the federal government sponsoring research and partnering with large private companies and universities in Canada, the new hub for innovation is turning out to be Canada, which is evidenced by the fact that Tech companies like Google, Samsung and Microsoft have expanded their foot print in Canada
This clearly shows the growing popularity of Canada as an emerging hub of skilled talent.

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