Tuesday 26 March 2019

International Student Numbers Grow As Study in Australia Gains Popularity

Australia is seen as a top study abroad destination by students from across the world and this image continues to grow stronger among students from countries such as India, China, Nepal and others. The government of Australia has recently released some data which shows that the number of international student grew by more than 11.percent in the previous year. Which was preceded by a growth of 12.6 percent in the year before that, which is in fact two straight year of double-digit growth for the country’s education. At present more than 6, 90,000 students from across the world STUDY IN AUSTRALIA.

International Student Numbers Grow As Study in Australia Gains Popularity

The number of international student enrolments grew in a substantial manner to reach 876,400. This discrepancy between the number of total enrolments in a year and number of students occurs because of the fact that it is possible for the same student to enroll in one or more courses at the same time.

India, China Most Common Source for Study in Australia

The industry related to study in Australia reported the highest gains for the year 2018. There was a significant amount of increase in the enrolments of students who wished to study in Australia, with the largest gain going to post graduate enrolments. For the very first time, since international students were accepted to study in Australia. The number of international student enrolments in post-graduate programs in Australia has grown higher than the number of enrolments for undergraduate studies.
China continues to lead other countries for student export to Australia, with its country men making up for nearly 30 percent of Australia’s total student body. This year too enrolments from students from China increased by more than ten percent over the last year. India, which is another significant source for Australian universities, came in second in terms of enrollment after growing meaty twenty five percent to total student enrolment, which reached 255,895
Some other countries which added to high rates of growth included Nepal and Bangladesh, with Nepal contributing to over 50000 enrolments, which translates to an impressive nearly 50 percent increase over the last year. A number of factors led to the increased demand for study in Australia, which includes the lowering of market interest in USA and UK, and increased awareness of Australian programs. For more Information about Australian Education kindly contact ABROAD EDUCATION CONSULTANTS at Global Tree.

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