Friday 30 November 2018

The best tips for a stress free GMAT exam

We all know that feeling, an important exam is looming on the horizon and we are too panicked even to think straight, let alone write an entire test. All the careful GMAT exam preparation we did is out of the window and we are sure we cannot remember a single thing. While not everyone will suffer from anxiety to this extent, there are a few amongst us for whom exam anxiety is a serious issue. If you are one of them then read on, we have a few tips that will help you destress and give your best at the GMAT test

1. Get adequate rest

This is the most simplest to follow but most often ignored tip for any exam taker. Sleep not only helps you to destress and write your GMAT exam in a more composed frame of mind, but will also help you to retain what you have learned better

2. Drink plenty of fluids

This one is a no brainer really, you do not want to put in months of preparation only to end up feeling groggy and unfocused in your exam because of dehydration. Also beware that dehydration can creep up on you unawares. It’s best not to wait till you are actually thirsty to drink some water but to set reminders to fuel up

3. Indulge in light exercise

Remember to take light walks around the block or do some stretching exercises both during your study sessions also on the day of the GMAT test. This will help you focus and write a stress free paper

4. Embrace the stress

Sometimes stress can be a good thing as it can increase your adrenaline levels and help you do a better exam. Turn stress into a friend and use it in a positive way so that you can write your exam with confidence

5. Repeat positive affirmations

When you say it you believe it and when you believe it you manifest it that is the mantra of all enthusiasts of affirmations. And we agree, tell yourself that you will do a wonderful paper and chances are high that you will do exactly that
With these stress relieving tips you can write a perfect paper and ace your GMAT test. For more information about GMAT Exam Preparation, please contact Global Tree.

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