Thursday 27 December 2018

Best Universities to study Architecture in USA

From the beginning of time, colossal edifices have always symbolized culture, power and advancement of human ability and intelligence. A building can awe, engage, inspire and uplift anyone who encounters it. There are of course, several people who are involved in the construction of these imposing structures, but the bulk of the credit can be attributed to the architect.  As can be seen in the case of famous and iconic buildings, such as Burj Al Arab – Tom Wright, White House –James Hoban, Guggenheim museum, New York – Frank Lloyd Wright, Sydney Opera House –Jorn Utzon and Empire State Building, New York – William F. Lamb have all illustrated the bond shared between the architect and their buildings

Architecture as a career

Architecture is a career choice that is not only high paying but also one likely to bring one tremendous job satisfaction as well. It would be a source of great pride to the architect to see his plans come into shape.  With the boom in construction of new buildings and expansion of cities, architects are currently in high demand all over the world. According to estimates, job openings for architects is expected to grow by 7 percent over the next decade. Architects, who are fresh out of college, can expect to get around 46000 USD per annum on an average, while those having higher experience can expect to bring in, upwards of 1, 30,000 USD per year.

Study in USA for architecture

Students, who intend to study in USA for architecture, generally take up a bachelor’s or master’s program in the subject. Some of the best universities to study architecture in USA are
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The architecture school at MIT offers two degrees in architecture the Bachelor of Science in architecture and the Bachelor of Science in Art and design

2. University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley's College of Environmental Design offers 8 distinct programs for students intending to study Architecture, including City Planning and History. The College of Environmental Design also offers degree programs in landscape architecture, urban studies and sustainable environmental design.

3. University of Michigan
The Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan offer students who intend to study in USA, a Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) in Architecture

4. Harvard University
Harvard University offers degrees on Design studies or the history and theory of art for students who take up their architecture degree program at the Graduate School of Design History of Art and Architecture, which is one of the best architecture schools in USA

5. Princeton University
Princeton University offers undergraduate as well as graduates’ students, a degree in design thinking and architecture.  The degree caters mainly to students who prefer a liberal arts curriculum

6. Princeton University
The Princeton School of Architecture has programs for undergraduates and graduates. The undergraduate program leads to an A.B. with a concentration in architecture and offers an introduction to the discipline of architecture within the framework of a liberal arts curriculum
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