Tuesday 1 January 2019

Brexit Opens Up Opportunities for Overseas Education in Ireland

The Brexit which is scheduled for spring 2019, and is one of the most anticipated events in the world, has proven to be a golden opportunity for colleges in Ireland. Irish colleges are now tapping on this advantage to attract international students to STUDY IN IRELAND. There has been an increased interest in universities in Ireland in the post-Brexit era, according to many Ireland education consultants. Many agree that Ireland is in a position of strength with respect to increase in applications from students who wish to study in Irish universities. According to the Dean of City College at the University of Cork, there is a 40 percent increase in applications from foreign students over the last year. 

study in ireland education consultants

Why is Brexit an advantage for overseas education in Ireland?

The recent immigration policy debates in the UK and America have set the focus of ABROAD EDUCATION on Ireland. The country’s status as the largest English speaking nation in the European Union can lead to increased funding for research in Ireland and can cause many world class academics who are currently in the United Kingdom to move to Ireland. Many universities in the United Kingdom too are seeking partnerships with universities in Ireland. The University of Cork is exploring the prospect of dual degrees in joint venture with universities in United Kingdom. These dual degrees offer tremendous benefits to students who pursue them. Many students opt for a degree from a European Union university as it offers an opportunity to work after graduation. Students who study abroad in Ireland can benefit from the post-graduate work opportunities in the country. The country is one of the best in the world for providing a good quality of life and education to its students and is sought after as an ideal destination by Indian students. The Irish government has laid great emphasis on improving its education system and has encouraged continuous improvements and innovation amongst its universities. Students from India, who pursue their higher studies in Ireland, can benefit from the following features.
  • 1.       Ireland is the largest English speaking Country in the European Union, which will benefit students from India who are mostly instructed in that language
  • 2.       Ireland’s universities are ranked amongst the top 5 percent of universities worldwide.
  • 3.       Ireland is a politically secure and economically stable country and offers its students a safe and welcoming environment.
  • 4.       The country has one of the best quality of life indices in the world
  • 5.       The country boasts of more than 5000 higher education programs, as well as a number of opportunities for world class research.
  • 6.       Ireland offers a number of scholarships to deserving students who come to study in Ireland.
  • 7.       International students who study in Ireland are allowed to work part time while pursuing their courses.
  • 8.       Students can also stay on and work in the country for a period of 24 months after completing their graduation.
  • 9.       Graduates from Irish universities are at an advantage as Ireland is one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union. Indian students who graduate from Irish universities can find jobs easily as the country is the hub for European operations for a number of global multinational companies.

To know more about studying in Ireland, get in touch with Global Tree, one of the most trusted overseas education and Immigration consultants in India.

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